What I'm Reading 12.28.14
I am a self-proclaimed avid reader, but I never really get to put it into words. So from now on, I'm gathering a list of articles that I thought were interesting to read from this week to be posted every Sunday evening.
1. Howard Marks of Oaktree Capital talks about The Lesson on Oil
And why investors should have seen the plunge coming... and why we don't. Great practical application of principles from The Most Important Things Illuminated.
2. WSJ Op-Ed Life without Fannie and Freddie
Can we privatize the mortgage-backed securities guarantee business? This op-ed summarizes many important points from the Congressional Budget Office's report, exploring the implications of this action.
3. New Yorker article by Tim Wu Why Airlines Want You to Suffer
Most people here know that US airlines are one of the worst providers of service. Wu examines the business model that leads the airline industry in the US to its current state (the answer: the fee model is not a good way to price discriminate).
4. New Yorker article by Maria Konnikova Pain Really Make Us Gain
What do fraternity houses, religious cults, and medical residencies have in common? A painful form of initiation. Konnikova dives deep into the science of pain and how it strengthens social bonds by focusing our attention to the shared experience of pain.