Alyssa Maharani

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Why I Write?

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If you ask me a year ago, would I ever be writing a novel in my life?, I would have answered with a straight no. I am impatient, wanting to see results; the opposite of what is required of a novelist, a patience to wait for a story to grow and weather through writer's block.

So why write now? Because, as F. Scott Fitzgerald says, "you don't write because you want to say something, you write because you have something to say." I write, because I wake up at 5 am, sweating about my characters and their fates. I write, because simply keeping the words in won't suffice. Like a river that can't be put in a dam, my feelings require an outlet. I write, because when I go to the gym, all I'm doing while on the treadmill is think "gee, I should totally flesh out that character, he seems too thin on paper." I write, because perhaps written words say what I am incapable of saying in words, the agreeable introvert in me not wishing to disturb the fabrics of society. 

I'm still about a third into the story, but I'm so excited to continue writing, to breathe life into a romance of two young college students united by their love of music. I'm sad, whenever I have to write scenes of them fighting (yes, I've cried hysterically once or twice while writing at 4 am... sorry for waking you up, Gatsby*). I'm happy, whenever they share their love and steal kisses under the stars in New York City. Oh, what a roller coaster it has been to write. But so far, it's what keeps me alive and excited for my future. 

I hope that I'll be done with this by the end of April, but until then, I'm afraid that this blog will be under hiatus. Anything I will post during that period are old posts that I've started, but haven't finished yet. I will be more active on my to compensate, so send me any questions there.

Cheers, Aly

* Gatsby is my neighbor's dog. He's a super cute beagle that likes to jump at me in the elevator!